Nothing says fall like a visit to the apple orchard or pumpkin patch. One of our favorite ways to enjoy the fruits of our labor (pun intended) is a classic apple crisp! The crispy browned topping of fruit crisps result from sugar’s interaction with the other ingredients as well as the heat in the oven. Sugar absorbs moisture from the butter, contributing to the topping’s crispy texture. As the mixture is heated, the sugar reacts with the proteins to give you the brown, toasty top you associate with apple crisp and most baked goods.


When it comes to choosing which apples to use when making crisp, you need an apple that won’t turn to applesauce in the oven! While flavor is also important, you likely have a personal preference for how sweet or tart you prefer your crisp to be. Honey Crisp apples are on the sweeter side while Granny Smith are tart. The Gala variety are more mellow when it comes to sweetness and can typically be found year-round.


Happy baking!





  1. Heat oven to 375°F. Grease bottom and sides of 9×12-inch pan.
  2. Spread apples in pan. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and evenly place 6 small pats of butter on top of apples.
  3. In medium bowl, stir remaining ingredients until well mixed; sprinkle over apples.
  4. Bake about 30 minutes or until topping is golden brown and apples are tender when pierced with a fork.
  5. Serve warm with ice cream.


TIP: If apples are still firm at 30 minutes, try adding a few tablespoons of water to the pan to “steam” the apples.

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