Lyle Bjornestead and John Brence have farmed together since 2008. John is Lyle’s son-in-law and married Lyle’s daughter, Karlyn, in 2004. John was raised in Ekalaka, Montana and went to school in Wahapton, ND for Diesel Mechanics. He started working in Billings, MT at Billings Farmhand before he spent a year spreading fertilizer for the Big Horn co-op in Powell, WY. John began growing sugar beets, corn, barley, dry beans, hay, and raising cattle in 2006. Since that time, the farm has grown and developed. Lyle and John now raise 750 acres of sugar beets, 350 acres of grain, 150 acres of beans, 120 acres of hay, and 60 acres of corn in the Powell area. All of the irrigation water for John and Lyle’s farm comes from the Buffalo Bill Reservoir, and their farm ground is flood irrigated.
Karlyn, John’s wife, teaches at a school in Powell. John and Karlyn have a set of quadruplets who are now 15 years old (pictured above). The quads keep John and Karlyn busy between sports and 4H.
Lyle was born and raised in Powell, WY. He spent 20 years working in the oil field before going to work for the University of Wyoming for 20 years. In 2008, he began farming full-time growing sugar beets, corn, barley, dry beans, hay, and raising cattle. Lyle spent four years on the Big Horn Basin Beet Growers Association Board and six years on the Western Sugar Board of Directors.
Lyle has been married to his wife, Nita, for 46 years. Nita is an integral part of the farm. She irrigates every morning with Lyle and runs the equipment when needed. Lyle and Nita have three children. Lyle’s son, Curtis, farmed beside John and Lyle until 2015.

Caption: John and Karlyn’s daughters continue the family passion for agriculture.
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